Sıra Word Explanation Meaning Type

88 There are "There are" (followed by plural nouns)" and "there is" Indefinite

(followed by sing. nouns) appear frequently in English. Pronoun

These expressions point out things or people (as in

"There is my friend, Nancy.") or simply to indicate - or

question - the existence of something (e.g., "Is there any

money in the bank?" / "There are too many people here").

89 They Personal


90 Three Noun

91 Through Proposition

92 Time Noun

93 To Proposition

94 Tourist Used as an adjective modifying "visa" in "tourist visa," Noun

"tourist" is also a noun referring to people who visit or tour

an area for pleasure.

95 Travel Other ways to express "to travel" include "to take a trip" Verb

and "to go on a trip."

96 Turn Verb

97 U.S. The United States of America is of ten referred to as "the Abbraviation

U.S.," "the U.S.A.," "the good old' U.S. of A.," "the States,"

and "America."

98 Understand Notice the negative form of the verb in the dialogue "I don't Verb

understand." Negatives will be dealt with in the Grammar

of this chapter.

99 Valuables More frequently, you will encounter the adjective "valuable" Noun

as in "He has a valuable watch."

100 Visa Noun

101 Where Interrogative


102 Which Of ten, you will use "which" as an interrogative (interr.) as Interrogative

in "Which shirt do you like?" Pronoun

103 Yes Instead of simply saying "yes" to a question, same people Noun

will say "yeah," "yep," or "uh-huh."

104 You Personal


105 Your Personal


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