Sıra Word Explanation Meaning Type

60 No Instead of answering a question with a simple "no," same Pronoun

people will use the slang "nah," "nape," or "uh-uh" (this

last one should not be confused with "uh-huh," an

affirmative response).

61 Non A negative particle used before many words (nouns and Particle

adjectives), "non-" signifies "not" or "the opposite of' as in

"non-American" and "nonconformist."

62 Nothing Noun

63 Now Noun

64 O.K.! Also "ok, OK, okay." Other expressions used to show Imperative

one's agreement include "all right," "absolutely," "sure,"

"certainly" and "of course." A fun (and somewhat

common) slang expression is "okie-dokie."

65 Other The different uses of the adjectives "other" and "another" Proposition

are presented in the Grammar section of Chapter 12.

66 People This noun is considered plural in English in terms of Noun

subject-verb agreement, even though it is singular.

67 Pick up Verb

68 Plan Verb

69 Plane "Plane" is a shortened form of "airplane," and is Noun

commonly used in reference to large jets as well as

smaller aircraft.

70 Please A polite way to form a command is to use the word Adverb

"please" followed by the command form, as in "Please

go!," "Please stay!," "Please sit down."

71 Present In "You present the card the Immigration Agent gave to Verb

you." Another way to express the same idea is to use the

verb "to show," "to give," or "to hand over."

72 Right In "Yes, that's right." "Right," in this instance, means Adjective

"correct." "Right" also refers to the direction opposite of


73 Room "Room" can refer to a specific place in a structure or Noun

building. It can also refer to "space" in general.

74 Say Verb

75 See Besides having to do with one's vision, "to see" may also Verb

be used to express the idea of understanding, as in "I see

the difference."

76 Sign Whenever you sign something, you put your "signature" Noun

on it. Another verb that is used in reference to "signing a

check" is to "endorse" it.

77 Smile Verb

78 Some Uses of the word "some" are presented in Chapters 1 Pronoun

and 2.

79 Speak Verb

80 Spend "To spend" may be used in the sense of "passing time" Verb

somewhere doing something (e.g., "I usually spend three

hours studying in the afternoon"). "Spend" may also refer

to the quantity of money one must pay someone for

something (e.g., "I usually spend five dollars a day an


81 Stand In "You stand in line." In this case, "stand" may refer not Verb

only to your physical state ("standing in line"), but may

also convey the idea of "waiting." "To take a stand"

implies choosing apposition with regard to a

"controversial issue."

82 Stay Verb

83 Thank In "Thank you." Another way to "give one's thanks" is to Verb

say "thanks" or "thank you very much." You may also say "I

appreciate it" ("it" refers to "your help").

84 That In the expression "after that." A demonstrative pronoun, Conjunction

"that" refers to "after spending same time in Atlanta."

85 That is Conjunction

86 The A definite article (def. art., as opposed to the indefinite "a," Conjunction

"an"), "the" refers to specific nouns, as in "The

Immigration Agent gives you a card" (a specific agent give

a non-specified card).

87 Them "Them" is the object pronoun form of the subject pronoun Personal

"they." Pronoun

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